The Mission


sustainable research

We aim to provide a platform that produces; less noise, less emissions, more data, more time at sea, aiding researchers in carrying out their pivotal work in an effort to better understand and protect our coastal waters and oceans. This supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. The vessel will be an alternative platform for the marine sciences, and will help to enrich ‘data poor’ areas to advocate policy change; improving stewardship and providing a deeper understanding of our coasts and oceans, and doing so under sail.

Why under sail?

Whilst there is an undeniable need for traditional research vessels, we feel that sailboats have their place too. Our rationale behind this is:

  • It can act as an environmentally friendly alternative for some forms of research

  • Reduction in self-noise for bioacoustic measurements

  • Lower price point to allow those with limited funding the ability to  carry out their work

  • Theoretically unlimited range for access to mid-ocean and remote locations
